Holly Greenberry-Pullen
Candidate for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport
Holly is a single mother of two girls who would bring to the constituency her energy and determination to make things better, a passion that has driven her throughout her adult life. She understands only too well the challenges people are facing in their daily lives, because she has shared them.
“I’ve been there,” she says. “It’s tough and I will fight for our needs locally. If elected, I pledge to make it my priority to instigate change where it is most needed.
In our schools, where there is a desperate need for investment. The NHS, GPs and dentistry services are suffering, as is social and mental health care where it is essential improvement happens. Our emergency support services and front-line staff are let down by cost-cutting and demands to increase funding, staffing and training have fallen on deaf ears.”
Holly runs a small business and understand how tough it is for these businesses, constantly strangled by bureaucracy and spiralling costs holding back development. “Young people and families are struggling with stress and anxiety in an impossible housing market, with escalating rents, utility bills and inflation. There is frustration within Plymouth over potholes, dirty beaches and water, empty shops and un- finished projects. We need to drive the city forward.”
In May 2024 Holly won the North Tavistock seat on West Devon Borough Council and is an active and vocal campaigner for the local community.
She studied at Plymouth College of Art (now University Arts Plymouth) and afterwards worked as a camera-woman at BBC and ITV. She left television to study for a degree at University of Plymouth in Earth Sciences, then worked as an environmental geologist whilst taking a post-graduate degree at Cardiff University.
One of the most impacting and fulfilling parts of her life early life was working as a care assistant with the elderly and those with mental health needs. “Supporting people in need is part of my core makeup, it’s something many people do but an area that is often undervalued. That must change!”
In her younger years Holly worked at Mountwise swimming pool teaching rookie lifeguarding. She has trained and qualified with the RNLI in South Devon.
Her role on PCC’s Private Rental Forum was to drive forward reforms to improve rental accommodation. “Somewhere to live is a basic need. People deserve safe, good quality, clean, dry, suitably-sized homes that are affordable for them,” she said.
As a primary school governor, she focused on supporting children with additional needs and disabilities. Her work at County level, with a parent-carer group, challenged the Tory government’s neglect of many children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND); including children coming from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Holly has achieved national recognition for her support of children and women’s human rights, and LGBTI rights. She has guest lectured across the country including at Plymouth University and has engaged and spoken at the UN in Geneva and worked with Special Rapporteurs, UN Treaty Bodies and activists. She’s worked with politicians in Westminster and Holyrood on national policy and legislation and spent many years supporting charitable organisations and NGOs in their work.
“I believe every person has the right to be heard and their opinion valued. We mustn’t be seen as undervalued in our diversity or our needs,” she says. “Let’s work together to make Plymouth a great place for everybody to live, a safer city for women and minority groups, where we are all valued and people can be inspired and proud.
That starts by listening and being a conduit for a local voice at a national level. I promise to make it my priority to address these issues and make Plymouth a far better place to live, work and raise our kids. To emphasise the many qualities we value in the city, where enterprise, start-ups, investment and attractive opportunities make Plymouth a vibrant, thriving community; a truly proud Ocean City.”
Published and Promoted by Dennis Draper on behalf of Holly Greenberry-Pullen (Liberal Democrats) both at 58 Bowden Park Road, Plymouth, PL6 5NG
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Contact Holly by Email contact@plymouthliberaldemocrats.org.uk